Auri's Potty Talk
>> Wednesday, January 27, 2010
This post might make you feel better about your child and your parenting skills......
She's not even 3 yet! I thought this stuff didn't come up till age 5 or 6....Dangit!
Here are some of her favorites as of now....
"Stinky bum bum!"
"Where is that little toot?"
"Let me kiss your butt!" (seriously....naughty-I know!)
"Poopy butt"
Oh and yesterday she couldn't stop singing the song "Every dinosaur poops!" from the show Dinosaur Train.
It doesn't help that Andy can't control his laughter when these ridiculous phrases come out of her mouth,----I'll admit that I laugh every once in a while too.
We have been trying to get her to not use these naughty phrases anymore, but I am finding it hard to tell her not to because I use them too. The context I use them in is different, when I'm changing Eden I say stuff like that. Auri just turns them around and makes them naughty.
So, what am I to do? Just laugh and hope it's just a phase? Discipline more?
How on earth do I get her to understand that she can't talk like that in public especially at church?
*You better just cover your child's ears if you see Auri coming your way. I'm sorry :)
i'm having trouble keeping Ryanah from saying what Karston has that she doesn't have. She explains it to strangers when they ask her "is this your little brother??". Fun times :)
well at least yours doesn't say shi%$.
Haha I love it. She's young enough that people probably won't take it too seriously. Spencer already sings "poop poop poop" when I change his diaper, I guess I better start watching what I say.
Don't feel too bad, Ellie is pretty bad as well. Jared really doesn't help the situation out! I mostly try to ignore her, and let her know that's not nice to say. I don't ever know what to do with all the disciplining and deciding what is serious and what isn't. Ellie still asks about auri, we will have to let them play again when you are in St. George and don't worry we wont be offended by anything that comes out of her mouth!
Ha Ha! After that episode Ben kept talking about poop all day too!
i know what you mean and i don't know what the solution is.
the other night i couldn't get cole to stop saying "can i die?" i don't know exactly where he got that from but i cringe every time he says it.
he also just recently learned the word stupid and says- "that stupid big train, it's so slow." unfortunately i do know where he got that from :(
cole watched the every dinosaur poops episode too.
good luck with those naughty words. but i think it's pretty normal.
I have a feeling it comes with potty training. We are going through it too. Our world revolves around everything poop, pee, bum, or toot. Here are some of kenzies quotes.
What song should we sing? "Poo poo song!"
Whats your favorite color? "poop color!"
She thinks it is the funniest thing in the world.
oh well!
My mom has also commented on her "4th grade" humor and that it's odd that she actually gets how to use it.
As for now. I'm not worried about it. Let us all hope this to shall pass! I just tell Kenzie nice girls don't talk like that.
Ha ha...that is is just too funny. That girl has a lot of spunk. good luck with the naughty words.
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