
>> Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I had to take the girls to get their blood tested today. I really think that Auri might have celiac disease too and I thought we might as well have Eden tested at the same time.

We had to wait in the waiting room for like a half hour. I entertained Auri by looking out the window at all the things outside. We looked at all the colors of the cars and counted them. Then we named all the people walking into the building. My favorite was a little girl she named "tinkerbell". Then she proceeded to hide under the chairs, which ended when she started going under other peoples chairs. At this point an oldie gramps got up and moved away from us. She then ate every single one of Edens baby puffs and dumped puff dust all over the chairs.

I was relieved when they finally called our name......not for long though.

The room was small with 5 cubicle stations for drawing blood. Crowded to say the least, and then here I come with my two kids, a mondo car seat and a diaper bag spilling over with things to entertain and distract my varmints. People were looking at me like I was crazy. I was.

When we sat down Auri finally realized we were there for her and that pain was involved. She started crying. I then had to try and console her for about 10 minuets and just as I get her distracted a teenage girl comes up and says to Auri, "See look, it didn't hurt", which just scares Auri more and she cries even louder. Thanks!

Two nurses and I got to hold her down. Finally blood was flowing and soon enough she was done. I thought the crying would stop-it didn't.

At this point a nice granny notices the "fun" I am having and graciously helps me distract Auri. She talked to her about swimming, bikes, jelly beans and preschool. Thank you sweet granny. You really helped me more than you even realized- and help I needed because I was fighting back the tears as they were poking and prodding my second baby. They actually had to poke her twice-the first time they couldn't get the blood to flow. Sad.

Finally we were done.

Auri grabbed her jacket and loudly said "Lets get outta this place!" I'm sure I wasn't the only one who agreed with her completely!

When we were almost to the car she then said-"that place is just too doctorie". Yep, it was.

Way too doctorie for me too.

We should have the results pretty soon. I'll keep ya'll updated.


kate April 20, 2010 at 8:49 PM  

labs are the worst place ever.

when i started my job here, i was required to pee in a cup/give blood for a drug test. a little girl in the waiting room kept asking me "what are you here for?" "are you pregnant too? {her mom was ginourmous with twins.}" it was funny but embarrassing.

sorry you had rough go at it. thank heavens for sweet granny ladies who know how to help.

hopefully, your beautiful babies don't have it too.

Brinlee April 20, 2010 at 9:14 PM  

So sorry for your experiences today, but this post is very cute! You have one darling little toddler! :D I think you are the awesomest Mom! I love this. I hope your tomorrow is better!

Unknown April 20, 2010 at 10:27 PM  

you are a great writer. You told a sad story with humor. Hope tomorrow is better.

Robyn April 21, 2010 at 8:26 AM  

Who's Fransisco??

This post had me laughing hysterically. I loved all the little details like the puff dust getting dumped and the grandpa moving away. You are such a good mom for taking them and getting them tested. I hope neither of them has it but at least you will know that they don't instead of wondering/worrying constantly. You're brave.

Shan April 21, 2010 at 9:24 AM  

I hated to take my kids to the doctor! In fact, a lot of times Clark would do it on his lunch hour because I was such a basket case. I'm glad it's over for you this time. I love Auri's observations. Your kids are so beautiful, Kylee.

The Facks of Life April 21, 2010 at 9:45 AM  

the medical offices are the worst! i feel for you!

Avree April 21, 2010 at 1:36 PM  

Awww man, that is awful! I totally dread taking Spencer in to get shots, I can't imagine trying to get a blood sample! I hope they don't have celiacs, you're smart to get them tested though!

cassidy April 21, 2010 at 3:20 PM  

I thought about you yesterday because I went to let my dog out and there was a yellow balloon full of air floating on my grass. Maybe it's good luck that both babes will NOT have celiac disease :)

Ashley April 21, 2010 at 9:54 PM  

I would have to say that is the most hilarious thing I wish I heard in person! ...too doctorie....that is hilarious! I hope all goes well!

Ashlie Dalton April 22, 2010 at 9:10 PM  

ah yes... doctories... always a good time with kids.
keep us updated. :)

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