>> Friday, April 2, 2010
So I just got back from the Dr. and he still isn't totally convinced that I have Celiac disease-I guess the only way to be really sure is to get a biopsy. (Although, Im pretty sure.) Also, he was still a little weary about a condition with my colon. So....on the 12th I get to have a endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Hooray. What fun for me. At least I will have some conclusive answers. Oh and I forgot to mention that I get to poop in a cup for 3 days in a row. I'm REALLY excited for that.
Oh man that really sucks!! My friends husbands family has it, and they did a scope down their throats and that is how they could tell they had it. I dont exactly know what they look for, but I guess it is the most accurate way to know for sure. POoping in a cup for 3 days should be fun. It is hard enough to pee in a cup. So good luck with the yuck!
Aww man! That does not sound fun! I guess it will be good to have a definite diagnosis either way. I was thinking it was pretty amazing you had such healthy babies and pregnancies with celiac though, if you do have it you're pretty amazing!
bleh! i hate hospitals and procedures. and i hate doing ANYTHING in a cup. i bet you'll just be glad when it's all through and you can move on with whatever you need to do to be healthy! sorry you are having to go through this. good luck with your "oscopies". keep us all updated!
I'm so sorry. I used to work at a Dr.'s office that did those all the time. I've even seen a few done :) Hopefully you'll just sleep through it! The worst part is the prep. Hope it goes well.
well. it will be similar to my giraffe head experience, to be sure. ummm. i need to you teach me how to make pictures a smaller size on photoshop. for my calling.
Oh Kylee, so sorry. Hang in there and let me know how I can help!
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