>> Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My endoscopy confirms that I do in fact have Celiac disease.
Bye bye gluten!
I was also told that my colon has a twist to it.
Nothing serious but definitely weird.
Gluten free and high fiber is what the Dr. prescribed.
Much cheaper than any prescriptions.
Thank goodness.
Oh, way to stay positive! At least it is something you can change with diet. There are great websites/blogs out there for gluten free cooking. http://www.elanaspantry.com/ is a great blog and has tons of recipes. Anyways, best of luck with the transition! Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon :)
Kylee, It's a relief to know what is happening. I've been thinking about you. Hope you know I love you. You are a special girl! Love to Andy, Auri, and Eden
And way less scary than anything else either! I for one am grateful you JUST have celiac.
Also I forgot it's stake women's conference this weekend, so I can't come out. Next weekend Ty has off, but maybe sometime during the week. Sorry I always always cancel. Maybe we could meet at Ontario mills? I'll call u.
What a relief to KNOW though right? Now, you can get on track to feeling awesome again..
Hang in there. I'm sure it's going to be a major adjustment.
hang in there. I like your new blog format.
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