Fashion Floop 2

>> Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So my last post got me thinking.

I don't wear a lot of my clothes. Mostly because I am scared they are ugly or fit me weird. So I was thinking. I am going to give myself fashion challenges to wear different things and not care what other people think. Spice it up a bit!

Yesterday I wore a dress. On a Tuesday. Way out of the norm for me. But, I liked it. I felt feminine and pretty and a whole lot cooler the whole day. Not to mention that it is a dress that I haven't worn for over a year. I never wear it cause it has a weird top. Well, I threw a cardigan over it and I loved the result.


Next week starting on Sunday, I'm going to wear a dress or a skirt for the entire week. Sounds kind of daunting, but I really need to break out of the norm. Any one want to join me?


kate July 28, 2010 at 11:41 AM  

I LOVE dresses.

I wore a dress nearly everyday in PHX because it was SO hot. You can do it lady.. Plus.. DI/ Goodwill/Salvation Army has a plethora that you can mix it up with for cheap..


If you hate the top.. cut it off, sew an elastic on the top and viola a new skirt!

krista jo July 28, 2010 at 4:10 PM  

but Kylee you have the cutest style. I look forward to see what you put together so I can copy :)

bergesonbs July 28, 2010 at 8:08 PM  

I do agree, You have great style that I adore. So I'm super excited to see what you come up with :) PS I miss being able to go outside and chill with you.

Kate July 29, 2010 at 8:27 PM  

Oh you mean like Missionary Week in seminary? Only this time you won't have jocks and jack-Mormons taunting you to give in and just wear jeans? Sounds good to me! I like flowy beach cover-up type skirts, you can sit way more comfortably in them than any pants/shorts. Maybe I shall try next week. Keep us posted on how that goes :)

Krista Smith July 30, 2010 at 8:28 AM  

hey girl hey.
i wear skirts a lot here.
cause they're easy breezy beautiful.
like covergirl.
its great. ben hates it cause he says he always feels underdressed. but its fun to feel girly and cute sometimes. i have the same problem. maybe we should have a clothes swap. like a serious one. i have to start gathering mission clothes so part of my wardrobe will be yours in the months to come anyhow.

Krista Smith July 30, 2010 at 8:30 AM  

p.s. me and sarai used to have "dress week at ross" as we called it in high school. it was sometimes the best week of highschool. people always asked why we were dressed up and we told them it was dress week at ross. but girls always used to wear dresses in olden times. what has the world come to? no you cant tell the difference.

Rob and Toni July 30, 2010 at 6:43 PM  

I'm excited for you! I feel ya on the dress thing. I have worn one once or twice besides on Sunday and it felt good, but awkward just the same.

Julia Warren August 2, 2010 at 9:43 AM  

that's so funny we were just talking about this. you have great style and need to share it with the world.

Jessa August 2, 2010 at 3:24 PM  

years of living in london and new york, all people who look amazing in awesome outfits will tell you that the key to "pulling it off" is having confidence and not caring what people think. I wear whatever I want and people tell me all the time "i love that you can wear anything. I want to copy you." so good luck.

plus you're a total hottie so every one will want to be you!!!

ps congrats on the dress. skirts are easy too. skirt + casual top and flips is the only way to go in the heat.

Anna August 3, 2010 at 4:55 AM  

I'm joining you since there is only one skirt that fits me at this point. Does that count?

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