
>> Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Last night I prayed to Heavenly Father for more patients with my girls.

Eden only slept like 4 hours on and off and screamed at the top of her lungs while awake. (and no, I don't think she is sick)

Andy ended up on the living room floor. Me, well I'm really, really tired today.

Then, Auri cut her own hair this afternoon-a huge chunk right in her cowlick. It makes her have a little alfalfa sprout. I can't help but laugh at her every time she walks by. But those soft locks I found in the garbage still almost make me cry.

Lets just say prayers were answered.

My children are still alive and unharmed. Patients indeed.


kate July 20, 2010 at 7:31 PM  

Oh dear. Bless your heart. I don't know how you do it.

I adore my niece, but when 5:00 o'clock rolls around I'm spent and happily return her to her parents on the days of the week I watch her.

Today, at the grocery store with her, I about had a melt down as she threw a major tantrum. I don't think I'll ever have kids at this rate. (kidding. sort of.)

kimberly July 20, 2010 at 7:47 PM  

Sounds like a wonderful day and night. I have to ask for patience every night and still I am barely getting by with out straight abusing my children, well thats exaggerating a bit but sometimes I am really a little out of control :).
That is sad about Auri's hair. I am waiting for the day that happens to us. I think we've trained ellie not to cut her hair, but I am pretty sure one of these days, when I am not watching her, she will give june a hair cut...I just try to remember to keep those scissors out of reach.
Good luck and don't think its just your children. I think a good majority of 3 year olds are just crazy and mostly naughty with a tiny ounce of nice and cute. I know mine is.

Avree July 20, 2010 at 8:04 PM  

It seems like every little girl has to cut her own hair at some point in her life. Sorry it had to happen on the same day Auri decided to have an all-night party. Kids definitely take a lot of patience. Today Spencer dumped a whole bottle of garlic salt all over my couch, I can barely handle 1, props to you for managing with 2!

Ashlie Dalton July 20, 2010 at 9:55 PM  

oh man!
i try to always be very careful-- and specific for what i ask for when i pray. i have heard of stories like this....

Robyn July 21, 2010 at 7:25 PM  

You're doing a great job, friend, and your girls are both beautiful. I can't wait to see Auri's spike.

Krista Smith July 22, 2010 at 11:36 AM  

hey. i'm not trying to be mean, but you spelled patience like you were talking about hospital patients. it worried me. i think it's just cause you were sleepy. ZzZzZ. hair is never a big deal, it always grows back. sarai cuts her own hair all the time. i bet auri cakes just wanted a hardcore hair-doo, at least it wasn't her finger. and i think that you should maybe have andy take your babies to the park so you can have a nap. that's all. love you.

LaCimOuRiTsEn July 22, 2010 at 11:33 PM  

I love the mis-spelling. We aren't perfect! Its ok, Kylee! It sure made me laugh!

The Facks of Life July 26, 2010 at 7:12 PM  

max cut his hair when he was that age. good thing we could just buzz it off! no such luck with girls! auri needs to come over and have a sleep over at the matt fackrell home! seriously! anytime!

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